Matt Laffan, public speaker, Sydney Australia
Matt Laffan, public speaker, Sydney Australia

Information for School Students

Matt has spoken to a number of schools and has engaged students of all ages with his stories about his life that can inspire even the youngest pupils. During his campaign for Lord Mayor he referred to the fact that the toughest questions he has been asked in life have been put to him by a five year old at the top of her lungs in a crowded shopping mall. Therefore he is comfortable with dealing with people from all walks of life, and especially answering the questions of kids.

Matt often receives emails from students who wish to use information about him for their projects or to converse of things related to his interests or living with a disability. Matt always tries to make time to assist where he can.

Therefore if your school needs an inspirational speaker, or you have students who wish to know more about people with disabilities and what can be achieved from life be sure to contact Matt.


If you are interested to know about Matt's own schooling background just click here: Matt's recollections of attending school

If you are interested to know about Matt's recollections of St John's College, University of Sydney just click here: Matt's recollections of St John's College, University of Sydney

If you are interested to know who some of Matt's role models are just click here: Matt's role models

If you are interested to know some of the frequently asked questions and Matt's answers just click here: Matt's FAQ's



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